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Happy parent, Happy Child Book

by Twel 2023. 2. 12.

book cover

Happy parent, Happy child, reading and feeling, and summary. im going to write this about the author's introduction.


Happy parent, Happy child, book untroduction

Happy parent, Happy child is a popular parenting book in India that provides practical advice and guidance for raising happy and well-rounded children.

The book covers a range of topics related to parenting, including child development, discipline, communication, and family dynamics.

The author, Dr. Anjali Arora, is a well-konwn child psychologist and counselor in India and draws on her professional experise and real-life examples to offer parents practical and effecive strategies for raising happy children.

The book emphasizes the importance of understanding and meeting the emotional needs of children, establishing open and effective communication, and fostering a positive and supportive family environment.


Introduction to Dr. Anjali Arora

"Happy parent, Happy child' by Dr. Anjali Arora is a comprehensive guide to parenting that provides practucal advice and guidance for raising happy and well-rounded children.

The book is written by Dr. Anjali Arora, a well-known child psychologist and counselor in India, who draws on her professional expertise and real-life examples to offer parents effective strategies for raising happy children.

The book covers a wide range of topics related to parenting, including child development, discipline, communication, and family dynamics.



I felt after reading this book

In the book, Dr. Arora emphasizes the importance of understanding and meeting the emotional needs of children, establishing open and effective communication, and fostering a positive and supportive family environment.

The author provides practical and insightful advice that helps parents navigate the challenges of raising children and find joy and satisfaction in the process.

Oerall, "Happy parent, Happy child' is highly regarded by many parents as an essential resource for rising happy, healthy, and well-rounded children.

The book is praised for its comprehensive approach, practical advice, and real-life examples, and is considered a must-read for parents who want to provide their children with the best possible start in life.
